Research limitations and continued research

At this time, the entire paper is not available and has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal, which limits the ability to analyze the research. The study only lasted a few months, so future research could include longer studies to look at long-term outcomes. Future research could also include more participants. The study also cannot prove that egg consumption causes any particular health outcomes. Some data may rely on participant reporting, contributing to the risk of incorrect data.

In addition, the study received funding from one of the world’s largest egg producers, Eggland’s Best, according to a press release.

Costa noted the following limitations of the research as well:

“While the full study hasn’t been peer-reviewed or published yet, the findings do not really tell us much, as it was a small sample size and not blind. Those eating fortified eggs or the control group may have improved their eating or lifestyle habits due to the ‘Hawthorne effect.’ This phenomenon occurs when people change their behavior in response to being observed. Consequently, the study’s results may reflect changes in participants’ overall dietary patterns or health behaviors rather than the direct impact of consuming fortified eggs on cholesterol levels.”

Results point to the need for further research in this area, possibly with funding from sources where there is less risk for bias. However, additional research could uncover the potential benefits of fortified eggs for particular groups, such as older adults or people with diabetes.

Nouhravesh noted the following:

“Nutritionally optimized foods continue to enter the market, and I hope trials like this will spike interest on performing randomized, rigorous trials so we can settle discussions surrounding good and bad foods. We would definitely like to investigate some of the secondary findings from this study further. In the current trial we saw a signal of potential benefit on cholesterol levels in patients who were older and in patients with diabetes, which we think is data that should be further investigated in larger trials.”