Too much vitamin B3 may contribute to heart disease, study finds

  • There are several non-modifiable and preventable risk factors for heart disease.
  • Researchers recently found that high levels of a common B vitamin called niacin in the body may contribute to cardiovascular disease.
  • They saw that excess niacin can trigger vascular inflammation, which in turn may lead to atherosclerosis — or plaque buildup on artery walls.

About 20.5 million people around the world died from cardiovascular disease in 2021, making it responsible for a third of all deaths globally.

While there are some unmodifiable risk factors for heart disease, including genderTrusted Sourcefamily historyTrusted Source, and ethnicityTrusted Source, there are several preventable causes for cardiovascular disease, including obesityTrusted Sourcehigh cholesterol levelsTrusted Sourcehigh blood pressureTrusted SourcesmokingTrusted Source, eating an unhealthy dietTrusted Source, and not getting enough physical activityTrusted Source.

Now, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute have added to the list of potentially modifiable risk factors with a new study reporting high levels of a common B vitamin called niacin in the body may contribute to cardiovascular disease.

The study was recently published in the journal Nature MedicineTrusted Source.

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