Can other treatments reduce motor skills deterioration in Parkinson’s?

Allder said there are several approaches that don’t involve monoclonal antibodies. While they don’t have the specific targeting that prasinezumab does, they can still adjust the chemical imbalances that contribute to disease progression, like a lack of dopamine.

“Deep brain stimulation uses implanted electrodes to adjust abnormal brain activity. Monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors help dopamine work better for longer,” Allder said.

“Anticholinergic drugs ease tremors by blocking a brain chemical called acetylcholine, and glutamate modulators can help balance brain chemicals. New treatments that protect the brain are also being explored,” he added.

Truong said that further research is needed, given the small sample size and relatively short period of time that the PASEDENA trial covered.

“The findings of the study may not be generalizable to all individuals with Parkinson’s disease, as the study population may have specific characteristics or be enriched for certain subgroups (e.g., rapidly progressing early-stage Parkinson’s disease),” he added.