How do microplastics in blood impact cardiovascular health?

Researchers note that this data points to microplastics traveling throughout the body via the bloodstream.

These microplastics could pose several health risks, including problems with blood clotting, vascular inflammation, immune system changes, and possible buildup of microplastics in organs.

The study authors told MNT that: “There is a significant amount of further work to understand the implication of microplastics. For example, understanding where microplastics move in the blood and if there are areas where they accumulate is key. This will then help us to understand the potential tissues that might be at greater risk.”

While more research is required, the current study points to the potential dangers of microplastics and offers a reflection on what sort of interventions may be necessary to address the problem.

Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH, professor and director with Environmental Research and Translation for Health (EaRTH) Center at the University of California, San Francisco, not involved in the study, noted that:

“It is no surprise that plastics that are produced in such high volume are showing up in people. And given that more and more studies are finding adverse health effects, the government should be acting on these early indicators of harm, especially since plastic production is on track to triple by 2030.”