Kombucha may have some adverse effects

MNT also spoke with Monique Richard, a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Nutrition-In-Sight, about this study.

Richard said that currently there is a lack of sufficient evidence for significant clinical benefits of kombucha.

“(This) is not to say there are no health benefits from consuming kombucha such as from the tea — black or green — itself which provides polyphenols and additional ingredients such as B vitamins, but I would also urge consumers to take into consideration one, the amount of sugar that is in the kombucha (and) two, the amount of caffeine,” she explained.

“It is important to note kombucha can interact with diabetes medication, although worth noting, from studies on animal models, and can have hypo (low) glycemic, or low blood glucose effects, depending on the ingredients, person, and medication interaction. It can also interact with antabuse medication,” Richard added.

Before downing bottles of kombucha or practicing harnessing SCOBY in your own kitchen, Richard advised to meet with a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) to figure out the root cause of what may be contributing to elevated fat accumulation or high triglycerides.

“Hint — it likely could be a combination of diet, lifestyle, and genetics, in addition to other factors that should be addressed,” she added.