How can CBT help with depression?

If you’re someone who struggles with depression, your therapist may use CBT techniques to help you uncover unhealthy patterns of thought and identify how they may be affecting:

  • your mood
  • beliefs about yourself
  • your overall outlook on life

You may also be assigned “homework” so that you can practice replacing negative thoughts with more positive thoughts in real time.

How well does CBT work for depression?

CBT has been proven to be effectiveTrusted Source in treating mild to moderate levels of depression. In some cases, it can be combined with other treatments, like antidepressants or other medications, to treat depression.

What other conditions can CBT treat?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is widely used to treat an array of mental health conditions in children, adolescents, and adults. These may include:

  • antisocial behaviors (including lying, stealing, and hurting animals or other people)
  • anxiety
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • bipolar disorder
  • conduct disorder
  • depression
  • eating disorders such as binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia
  • general stress
  • personality disorders
  • phobias
  • schizophrenia
  • sexual disorders
  • insomnia
  • social skill problems
  • substance use disorder

In certain cases, cognitive behavioral therapy may be combined with other treatments to help with depression.

Are there any risks?

There is little long-term emotional risk associated with CBT. But exploring painful feelings and experiences can be stressful. Treatment may involve facing situations you’d otherwise avoid.

For instance, you may be asked to spend time in public places if you have a fear of crowds. Alternately, you may need to confront difficult sources of trauma, like the death of a loved one.

These scenarios can provide opportunities to practice altered responses to stressful or adverse situations. The eventual goal of therapy is to teach you how to deal with anxiety and stress in a safe and constructive manner.

What experts say

“There is a massive tidal wave of evidence for cognitive behavioral therapy that suggests it is very effective at treating certain problems,” Simon Rego, PsyD of Montefiore Medical Center in New York, told Healthline. “The breadth of evidence isn’t as extensive for other forms of psychotherapy.”

That’s not to say other therapies aren’t equally effective and beneficial. “They just don’t fit as neatly into anything that can be studied,” Rego says. “More evidence-based studies have been conducted on the results of cognitive behavioral therapy than any other kind.”

Online therapy for CBT

If you feel that you or a loved one could benefit from CBT, there are several telehealth platforms that can virtually connect you with a trained therapist. Here are some to consider:

  • TalkSpaceAfter taking an initial assessment and choosing your subscription plan, you’ll be connected with someone from their network of over 3,000 licensed therapists.
  • BetterHelp. This telehealth company has one of the largest networks of licensed therapists and offers individual, couples, and family counseling.
  • Amwell. Along with talk therapy, Amwell can also connect you with online psychiatrists who can prescribe medications.
  • 7 CupsThis telehealth network is significantly less expensive than other online therapy platforms. Plus, 7 Cups offers emotional support and access to speak to a trained volunteer (not a licensed counselor) at no charge.
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How can I find a CBT therapist?

If you think CBT may be a fit for you, there are several ways to find a therapist.

You can:

What can I expect from CBT?

Your CBT experience will be unique based on your situation but know that there is no right or wrong way to experience therapy.

Your therapist will take time to get to know you, so be prepared to discuss:

  • what brought you to therapy
  • your mental health history
  • current circumstances

Will CBT help my depression?

CBT has been found to be effective in treating those with mild to moderate depression. It has also been proven effective when combined with other treatment options, like antidepressants or other medications.

Remember that change is often gradual, requiring a time commitment and the willingness to be open to the experience.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps you recognize and replace negative or unhelpful thought and behavior patterns. It can be a highly rewarding and effective form of mental health support for those affected by anxiety, depression, OCD, insomnia, substance use disorder, and more.

CBT requires a willingness to be open to change, along with a time commitment to do the work with your trusted therapist.

The goal of CBT is to help you develop the skills to help deal with difficulties on your own, at the moment when they come up, ideally giving you tools that last a lifetime.