What happens when we sleep?

“I think what’s most interesting about the sleep issue is it’s always been a mystery: what happens while we’re sleeping,” said Dr. Weinberg.

Dr. Weinberg described, as an example, sleep interrupted by a need to urinate. “But then you put a CPAPTrusted Source on them, and they’re like, ‘Oddly, I didn’t have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.’”

“It’s not like the sensation went away,” she pointed out. “Is the sensation because there’s a blood pressure issue, or there’s some sort of flow changes in the kidneys that are activating these patients in a way that we just wouldn’t have known before because we just didn’t have the ability to get that information?”

Dr. Weinberg is ,therefore, enthusiastic about the amount of sleep-related data increasingly being made available to experts, singling out the popularity of Apple Watch’s sleep tracking.

“They’re able to figure out what’s going on when we’re sleeping in a way that we were never, ever, ever able to do before. And because of it, it’s helping us understand the disease process. I think it’s really interesting,” she said.

Finding underlying causes for poor sleep

Dr. Haghayegh described what he thought people should take away from the study. He recommended that people “maintain vigilance in monitoring [b]lood pressure, as our findings clearly demonstrate a substantial association between poor sleep and hypertension.”

“Furthermore, regardless of the hypertension risk, individuals struggling with falling or staying asleep or obtaining sufficient sleep may benefit from exploring the underlying causes. Sleep is intricately linked to various aspects of health, and this study underscores yet another compelling reason to prioritize a restful night’s sleep.”
— Dr. Shahab Haghayegh

“It’s a push for everybody to kind of advocate for themselves. If sleep is not as refreshing as expected or is restless, you actually may say, ‘Maybe I have a sleep disorder. Maybe I should be exploring that further,’ and then your practitioner can take it from there,” added Dr. Weinberg.