Blended antioxidant supplement may help boost memory and cognition

  • A new study from Japan has shown that blended antioxidants may improve cognition and memory while suppressing age-related muscle decline in mice.
  • The antioxidant blend used in the study was supplied by a supplement marketed in Japan.
  • However, experts do not recommend inventing one’s own blended antioxidants by combining supplements, as such at-home experiments may be dangerous.
  • Cognitive benefits from blended antioxidants have been observed in mouse research, but, so far, there have not been significant human studies of their effects.

A new study in mice finds that supplements containing a blend of antioxidants may improve spatial cognition, short-term memory, and — surprisingly — muscle durability in older mice.

Antioxidants help promote the health of cells by reducing an excess of unstable free radical molecules that can damage healthy cells. While free radicals occur naturally, too many of them can overwhelm healthy cells, causing what’s called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been linked to a wide range of health issues.

Antioxidants are molecules that can help inhibit or prevent cell damage in the body. They are often found in plants, and some occur in the human body, although there are also synthetic antioxidants consumed as supplements.

The researchers in Japan used a blended antioxidant product, Twendee X, a product currently marketed in that country. It contains eight different types of antioxidants and was formulated by Professor Haruhiko Inufusa of the Department of Antioxidant Research, Center for Scientific Research and Innovation at Gifu University in Japan.

For the new study, 18-month-old genetically modified mice were given a blended antioxidant in water that they were allowed to drink or not drink at will for a month.

Their spatial cognition and short-term memory improved during the test period, as measured by their success in a Morris water mazeTrusted Source and Y-mazeTrusted Source, compared to mice in the control group provided plain filtered tap water.

Treadmill tests showed that by the end of the study, the blended antioxidant mice increased their running distance significantly more than their normal, control counterparts who were not taking blended antioxidants.

Further attempts to train mice on the treadmills with additional supplement administration showed no discernible effects between the two groups, suggesting the blended antioxidant may not improve exercise capacity or strength, but may help prevent age-related muscle decline.

In post-mortem examination of the blended-antioxidant mice’s brains, the researchers observed a significant decrease in aspartate aminotransferase — an enzyme indicating muscle damage — alanine aminotransferase, as well as total cholesterol values.

The study is published in MDPI.

8 thoughts on “Blended antioxidant supplement may help boost memory and cognition”

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