How plant-based proteins benefit cardiovascular health

Hilbert added that “we aren’t 100% clear on why this association exists, but there are some theories as to why we see this increased risk.”

“First, processed meats can impact the health of our cardiovascular system which of course, supplies oxygen and nutrients to our brainm” she explained. “When this connection is frayed, our brain may not perform optimally. These processed meats also can cause excess inflammation which can contribute to poor brain health by damaging brain cells.”

“The reason nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and soy may help reduce this risk is because nutrients in these foods can have the opposite effect on brain health. Omega-3s, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all can keep our cardiovascular system and brain cells healthy.”

– Megan Hilbert, RDN

In conclusion, Hilbert noted that “these findings further confirm the public health message of reducing intake of processed meats in particular and adding more of these healthy plant based proteins into patients’ diets.”

“We don’t have to completely cut out meat to be healthy, but more and more research shows us that less is more, especially with processed meats,” she added.