Aarhus University patent on ‘Cafestol for treating diabetes’

The study authors reported a conflict of interest because some are inventors on a patent for using cafestol to treat diabetes, filed by Aarhus University.

MNT contacted one of the patent inventors and coauthor of the new study, Fredrik Drews Mellbye, MD, PhDfor comment.

According to Mellbye, researchers must inform their institutions about inventions or discoveries made during their work, as per Danish law.

“In our case, after publishing our initial study on cafestol’s effects in cell studies, we informed Aarhus University of our findings,” he explained.

Aarhus University, following the Danish Consolidation Act on inventions from public research institutions, decided to apply for a patent based on the cell research. This led to the patent “Cafestol for treating diabetes,” on which some of the authors of this study are listed as inventors, he said.

“Aarhus University holds the right to the patent,” Mellbye clarified.

If the patent succeeds, the inventors could receive a share of future earnings. Still, this possible outcome does not necessarily discredit the study’s findings, especially since the results were mixed.